Specifications of the Learning Analytics, Scaffolding Services, and Add-on Services – initial
This deliverable describes the initial version of the specifications of learning
analytics, scaffolding, and add-on services of Go-Lab. All these services provide
additional functionality to teachers, students and lab owners using the Go-Lab
portal (see D5.2). This deliverable consists of two major parts: (i) the learning
analytics and scaffolding services and (ii) the add-on services.
Learning analytics aims to collect and analyse user activities to make learning
and learning environments more effective and efficient. The Go-Lab learning
analytics services provide means to track user activities and analyse this
tracked data. This provides the foundation for guidance mechanisms for students
through scaffolding, as well as intelligent decision support for teachers
and lab owners. More specifically, the learning analytics services provide support
for recommendations, intelligent feedback for students, and analytical reports
that help to design better inquiry based learning scenarios and spaces.
This deliverable describes the architecture of the learning analytics services in
detail. Furthermore, it explains how this service integrates with the Go-Lab portal
and a mechanism that enables privacy of the tracked data controlled by the
teacher. We regard the learning analytics service as an enabler of scaffolding
applications and thus the learning analytics services and its feedback loop
together provide the scaffolding services.
The add-on services consist of the bartering platform and the lab booking system
to support Go-Lab Portal in different aspects.
The bartering platform offers teachers peer assistance through a tutor social
platform for expertise sharing related to online labs and inquiry learning spaces.
Teachers are motivated to help other teachers and share their skills and knowledge
about online labs on the bartering platform. Furthermore, the bartering
platform also attempts to make the Go-Lab Portal sustainable and usable by
many schools through active interactions among teacher communities and a
credit system, ranging from social rating to payment mechanisms.
Since remote labs can only be used by a limited number of users at the same
time, the Go-Lab Portal needs services to arrange which users can use a lab at
a given time. Therefore, a Go-Lab calendar-based booking system is offered to
manage remote lab booking tasks. In the booking system three Go-Lab booking
schemes are specified for use by remote labs in order to get Go-Lab as well as
external remote labs ready for Go-Lab users’ use.
In this document usage scenarios, requirements and initial component specifi-
cations are described and contextualised with existing research.
The specifications in this deliverable will be updated and finalised in D4.6 (M33).
Furthermore, a first version of the implemented prototypes will be delivered in D4.4 (M24) and the final implementation will be described in D4.8 (M36). As
a preview for D4.4, Appendix B briefly describes the implementation efforts,
achieved up till M18.
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